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Monday, November 19, 2007 

Send in the lawyers.

Following on from the removing of comments from her blog after she idiotically accused Ben Goldacre of being involved in a "serious breach of parliamentary procedure" for downloading evidence freely available from said committee's website, Nadine Dorries is now threatening to send in the suits against Alex "Recess Monkey" Hilton after he posted a screengrab of her 22-year-old daughter's Facebook profile on his front page (now removed, replaced with this post), a grab which contained the use of one or two racial epithets:

Unfortunately, today’s blog is a rebuttal in defence of my family. As an MP I don’t mind it if people want to take a pop at me – it comes with the territory. However, not my kids.

Every young person I know has a Facebook profile, my daughters are no exception and use it to keep in touch with their friends. Unfortunately Alex Hilton, aka Recess Monkey, had no scruples about trawling through my daughter’s profile in order to damage her reputation.

My daughter’s face book account was the No 1item on his web site for a number of days.

A comment on my daughter’s site had been left by one of her best friends Chido Kawunda. Chido used the ‘N’ word when discussing this year’s Big Brother incident with Charlie.

It has to be said that involving children in political disputes, regardless of the details, is rightly looked down upon. Dorries might have more right to complain however if she hadn't herself liberally splashed photographs of her offspring all over her blog, which just invites snooping. In any case, if Hilton had wanted to especially damage Dorries he would have gone and named the woman in the photograph as Dorries' daughter; he instead asked readers to guess. Oh, and I don't have a Facebook profile, but that might be because I don't have any friends.

That isn't quite enough for Dorries though:

Alex Hilton attempted to insinuate that the comment was made by my daughter in a derogatory way about black women. This is definitely not the case – ask Chido; and by the way, the issue is now on it’s way to Simon Smith at Schillings , to ask his advise as to whether or not this matter is libel and actionable. http://www.schillings.co.uk/Display.aspx?&MasterId=af8a38df-e12a-48da-953b-d4be1b79d6da&NavigationId=233

Dorries really ought to know better to seek legal advice as her first course of action; and definitely be aware that Schillings are most certainly not the flavour of the "blogosphere" at the moment.

I suppose one wouldn’t expect anything else from the researcher of a Labour MP. It makes you wonder what kind of MP employs a person who spends his day going through Facebook accounts. Is this done on a Parliamentary computer I wonder? One paid for by the tax payer, in the time he should be working, again, paid by the tax payer?

It is not lost on me that he chose to highlight the Facebook account of my 22 year old daughter. However, has he been through the Facebook accounts of all of my girls? One of them is only 15 – and if he has – there’s a word for people like you Alex.

Take me on all you want, but mess with my kids…..

It's too bad then that while Hilton's website is most certainly not state-funded, Dorries' most definitely is. Oh, and then she suggests he might be a paedophile even though Dorries' 15-year-old daughter wasn't invoked until Dorries herself brought her into it. It's also somewhat ironic that despite Dorries making clear that she's ready for anyone to take her on, she removed the comments from her blog at the exact moment that err, others did over her slurring of Ben Goldacre.

Dorries is though of course the blogging doyen of the Tories: her endless anecdotes about her wonderful existence, what knickers she wears and how she'd undergo cosmetic surgery all being highly interesting to the Sir Herbert Gusset alikes all across blogland. Fuck with her and the big boys pile in, as demonstrated over on Iain Dale's. I'd be careful Alex, or Schillings might call on Alisher Usmanov to come and sit on you.

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