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Monday, April 07, 2008 

Teeth-gnawing tedium.

It's nice to be proved wrong:

Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed by the reckless driving of their chauffeur, Henri Paul, and the paparazzi who chased them, jurors in the inquest into their deaths decided today.

The verdict, by a nine-to-two majority, brings to a close a six-month inquest that has heard from more than 240 witnesses and is expected to have cost more than £10m.

The verdict implicates the paparazzi and Paul much more so than previous investigations.

Contrary to Fayed's statement, the jury has once again indicted his own employee, Henri Paul, as one of those responsible for Diana and Dodi's death. His lawyers also abandoned his arguments at the close, something that previously couldn't be reported. Despite his contention in the witness box that he would accept the verdict of the jury, he's tonight consulting his lawyers over yet another further appeal, on the spurious grounds that because the Duke of Edinburgh and some other figures weren't forced to appear that not all the evidence was heard. £10 million down the drain; how much would it have cost to give him that passport again?

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