Friday, July 11, 2008 

Jon Gaunt in police are politically correct shocker.

Jon Gaunt is horrified at our politically correct police:

I told him the little scrotes on the street would just laugh at him unless he could back it up with force.

He got upset, not at my allegation but at my use of the word “scrotes”.

He said it was inappropriate language to use against young people.

This political correctness would have made even Lambeth council blush with anger and demonstrates everything that is wrong with our police service.

Gaunty is of course completely right. When you can't call teenagers that are outside after 9pm at night during the school holidays "scrotes", it won't be too long before you won't be able to describe Gaunt as a fat, bumptious, oleaginous, simple twat.

And we can't have that, can we?

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